Against Malaria Foundation

We protect people from malaria. We fund nets and ensure they are distributed and used. We show you where the nets go. We monitor and report their use and impact. Each net costs about $2.00, lasts for 3 to 4 years, and protects on average two people. The statistics are well known given the scale of the problem. Every ~600 nets we put over heads and beds, one child doesn't die and 500 to 1,000 cases of malaria are prevented.

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Emily Stern

Yalari is a not-for-profit organisation that offers quality, secondary education scholarships at leading Australian boarding schools for Indigenous children from regional, rural and remote communities. In 2022, we have over 250 students on Yalari scholarships nationally. We have an alumni group of 380 studying at universities, working or undertaking further training.

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Emily Stern

The Women's and Girl's Emergency Centre (WAGEC) is a feminist, grassroots organisation based in Redfern that supports women and families in crisis and advocates for social change in the community. Every night, we support 200 women and children impacted by homelessness, domestic violence and systemic disadvantage.

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Emily Stern
Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd protects defenseless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans using innovative direct action tactics to defend, conserve and protect the delicately-balanced biodiversity of our seas and enforce international conservation laws. We have stood up to seal hunters, hauled in miles of illegal fishing gear, and chased some of the world’s most notorious poaching vessels.

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Emily Stern